
2023 Produce & Floral Marketing Benchmarks

International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) provides marketing benchmarks so marketers can compare their spend with competition to identify opportunities to drive stronger results.

In the produce and floral industries the use of advertising and social media channels is the most prevalent but high dollars are allocated to consumer events and promotions as these are perceived to have a great return.

Use of Marketing Channels

Percent of respondents who reported using these channels.

Social Media

Circle graph showing 92 percent full


Circle graph showing 88 percent full

Consumer Events

Circle graph showing 56 percent full

Consumer Promotions

Circle graph showing 52 percent full


Circle graph showing 40 percent full

Use of Trade Supports

Percent of respondents who reported using these trade supports.

Trade Shows

Circle graph showing 68 percent full

Store Demos

Circle graph showing 30 percent full

Store Signage

Circle graph showing 30 percent full

Retail Media

Circle graph showing 24 percent full

Temporary Price Reductions

Circle graph showing 17 percent full

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