Supply Chain Management

2023 Cross Industry Compensation Report

Driver & Warehouse Positions

In today's tight labor market, develop competitive compensation packages with strategies to attract and retain truck drivers and warehouse employees. IFPA's 2023 Cross-Industry Compensation Report provides thorough current compensation and benefits information for wholesalers and distributors. Download the report for the full analysis of common positions with job descriptions, each with a breakdown of data on company size, location, number of employees, average hours, hourly wages and annual gross pay.

84 percent

Report labor costs are impacting their business

Attract Tactics

  • Internet Job Boards

  • Referrals

  • Organization Website

  • Social Media

  • Internal Transfers / Promotions

Retain Tactics

  • Incentive compensation
  • Above market salaries
  • Added vacation days
  • Added medical benefits
  • Profit sharing

Profile of Companies within report

Regional & National Firms
100 "stick people" with 52 shaded to indicate 52%

Under $100 Million in Volume
100 "stick people" with 54 shaded to indicate 54%

Private Firms
100 "stick people" with 94 shaded to indicate 94%

100 "stick people" with 53 shaded to indicate 53%

Top 10 Concerns for Employers

Icon of person inside a magnifying glass.

Finding Qualified Employees

Icon of three stick figures with one shaded and two unshaded standing behind the first.

Retaining Employees

"stick figure" person running with a clock on the wall in the background


Icon of profile head with a dollar sign in the middle.

Increased Labor Costs

Icon of stick figure marching forward with a arrow indicating that they are moving up

Employee Performance

Icon of hand with a symbol for money held in the palm

Increased Operating Costs

Circle icon with a dollar symbol in the middle

Costs of Healthcare

Icon of two hands shaking

Employee Morale

Icon of a bar / line chart with data rising

Maintaining Profit Levels

Icon of a magnifying glass

Economic Uncertainty

Full report only available to IFPA members.
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