
Creating a climate-resilient fresh produce and floral sector

Future proofing for climate risks, regulatory pressures & consumer expectations

The International Fresh Produce Association has partnered with Kantar in the creation of a strategic framework and prioritization model to aid in the futureproofing of the fresh produce sector. In building the framework we have considered the sustainability risks that the industry is facing, in particular those relating to climate change, as well as the external pressures it is experiencing from consumer expectations and changing regulation.

Circle graph showing 54 percent full

Pay a lot of attention to environmental and societal issues in the news

Circle graph showing 47 percent full

Are prepared to invest time and money in companies that try to do good

Circle graph showing 51 percent full

Believe buying sustainable products is a demonstration of who they are

The number one

What our industry is facing

Despite a world a world in flux and a looming climate crisis, our industry may have a massive opportunity going into the future: the demand for fresh produce is expected to increase dramatically.

The number two

Consumer expectations

Consumption is changing towards new and more sustainable behaviors that will impact fresh produce.

The number three

Retailer perspectives

Retailers are balancing multiple sustainability frictions across the supply chain. Getting it right is challenging but necessary for future proofing the sector.

The number four

Regulations impacting the industry

While consumer shifts in values, expectations, and behaviors will shape how our industry prioritizes climate resilience, changing legislation and regulatory pressure will also have a significant impact.

The number five

How our industry is reacting

By confirming key risks and challenges to our industry we were able to identify how our industry is making strides toward building a climate-resilient future.



"Linking sustainability with consumers is a challenge ... I think it means we have to be a little bit more embedded about it. We have to give our customers the added acknowledgement that ... everything is responsibly sourced as far as possible."

IFPA Retailer



Progress towards climate resilience represents both opportunities and challenges for our industry.

Opportunities include reductions in input costs, improved efficiency and yields, reduced use of natural resources, and increases in demand and opportunities in our sector. We also face numerous challenges, such as limited capability to maximize technology developments, potential for reduced yields, increased administration and complexity, high investment costs, and threats to traditional farming practices and facilities.

Here, we have laid out where our industry currently is, as well as several proven and potential paths forward.




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